
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Silver Jubilee

Attended a big time shaadi yesterday. The road was covered in blue wall to wall carpets. All the way from Syndicate bank to the grounds between nursery and Vidya Jyoti. Intelli light casting pulsing beams through misty Delhi night. Three bars and one on wheels. Multi cuisine, embassy service. Bole to sexy. And ghosts from the past in a wild bunch, through the mist like a scene from Predator. Enjoyed it immensely. All grown up and mature and all still senti like children.
Then thankfully some things never change. Prashant Dhawan with his casual mane, Shuddabrata Saha in creased corduroy jacket. And those with their partners. So you could stand in a conversation for twenty minutes with the dude and he shall ignore a basic introduction with his wife next to him. So buoyed with a couple of drinks, I helped myself to self introduction, immediately becoming popular amongst the ladies. However stuck with their respective spouses little was forthcoming. Tut tut. I was later told that one of them was also anointed the hottest in private poll at a smaller do. I boasted that they haven't seen mine, immediately regretting it. However words like piss cannot be stuffed back.
Some things change though, Nai is telling me that he does not lie any more. Hairlines have receded further. Gautam Kapoor, god bless, a picture of avuncular charm, has a pate taller than his face. The built environment of the school has increased but open spaces are so abundant that it is well absorbed. It looked better kept than our times, though as I saw Mr. Miranda off at the gate another fellow from 98 turned to me. He said "Apke time mein to top par tha". I asked and now. He winked.


  1. Tanmay, cannot decide which is better....your photography or your writing....keep writing keep& keep clicking !!!!

  2. while i was busy waiting near the imlay's workshop(for u know what) in dark a young dude standing ahead of me was not ready to tell me his batch of passing..finally he sighed "2002" yukkk,that really made me look old and felt like bashing him up.And then suddenly cam a new voice from somewhere "tu kaunse batch ka hai?1986....oye then you must have heard of me and who are you i asked"chauhan ka naam suna kya"?
    oh yes boss!!!!
